- The committee will have three elected posts: Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
- Membership of the committee is open to all residents of Finstock and those who have an interest in Finstock.
- The aims of the Committee are:
- To organise village events to raise funds for village groups, including those who may already have established fundraising groups.
- To help the integration of village groups, bringing them together
- To build up a body of experience, expertise and resources available to any village community group or event
- To investigate grant funding opportunities to underwrite the infrastructure costs of holding large events.
- This group is not trying to replace other village groups.
- Regular open committee meetings will be held.
- Sub groups of the committee may take a lead in the organisation of specific events
- The bank account will have three signatories – Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Two signatures will be required for all cheques.
- The group’s accounts will be available to all committee members. Annual financial reports will be available to all interested parties.
- The division of funds raised by each event will be agreed subsequent to the event by the committee.
- A request for an extraordinary meeting should be presented in writing, by a minimum of two committee members, to the Chair, who shall give all members at least eight days notice of the date of the meeting.
- Alterations to the rules of the committee can only be made at an EGM called for this purpose.
- In the event of the group ending, then all equipment and other non-cash items will be given to the Friends of Finstock School (FOFS), on the understanding that items should be made available for other village groups to borrow or hire at a nominal charge. Cash in the bank account will be divided among village groups. The shares will be decided at a meeting of the chairs of the interested village groups and the outgoing elected officers of Finstock Community Projects.